
Thursday 6 June - 10H/12H30
Workshop Les Halles du Faubourg

Out of the box housing solutions for the locked-out in Europe

The workshop will bring together cross sectoral actors to discuss the most innovative housing solutions existing in Europe today and look at the key existing gaps.  It will give visibility too and debate examples of innovative housing solutions which offer a useful contribution to the debate around how to give access to decent housing to the most vulnerable households. 

Juha Kaakinen, CEO, Y-Foundation, Finland
Syamak Agha Babaei, Vice-President Strasbourg. Eurometropole
Bjorn Mallants, board member, Housing Europe
David Van Vooren, policy officer, Housing Agency Flanders, Belgium
Martine Chanal (Lyon Metropole) and Gabriel Sibille (GIE la Ville Autrement), l’Autre-Soie
Guillaume Ginebre, project manager, Action Tank Entreprise et Pauvreté
Sibylle de Malet, international development manager, Lazare, France
Delphine Barthe, CEO, Stirrup, France
